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The chicken or the egg? 🐓
The Belgian chicken restaurant Poule & Poulette faced a problem during COVID-19 that everyone in the hospitality sector recognizes. The staff left for jobs that continued during the various lockdowns, and who can blame them? But once they were allowed to, they didn't immediately return.
This was a signal for Poule & Poulette to make a change, as even in an everyday world, it's hard to find good hospitality staff.
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Frederik Goossens, CEO and founder of the restaurant chain saw an opportunity and decided to act. Together with MobieTrain, he managed to digitize their training offer, and instead of thick folders of information, everything was now contained in one handy app.
Especially in terms of onboarding, there has been a lot of progress and efficiency.
"As our business grew, I noticed that people in our branches no longer knew me."
Frederik Goossens, CEO
During the digital onboarding, the board members have the opportunity to introduce themselves and clearly define the framework in which they will work. This saves a lot of time and ensures consistency across the various branches, which is what they were looking for at Poule & Poulette. This way, every employee has completed their onboarding before their first day.
Josipa, who is responsible for training at Poule & Poulette, is delighted with the collaboration. Although arranging everything initially took some work, it now pays off double.
"With MobieTrain, training courses have become a lot easier to follow up on."
Josipa, Training Manager

Our collaboration
✔ MobieTrain helps Poule & Poulette train customer-focused employees to deliver a perfect customer experience.
✔ Every employee gets a smooth onboarding, learns the story behind the company, and receives specific training during (breaks at) work.✔ The time a manager saves on this can be used for on-the-job coaching.

How to grow your restaurant business in the age of employee shortage?
Drawing from the invaluable insights of clients, opinion leaders and partners, this white paper will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the unique workforce challenges and practical, actionable advice to help you navigate the current landscape and elevate your restaurant business.
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